Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Mac OS X Tiger

Apple - Mac OS X

I've just installed Tiger on my iBook and, I must say, some of the new features are great. The RSS support in Safari is very nice (now I don't need a separate news aggregator), Dashboard is quite nice and Spotlight has already been useful. I'm not sure I like all of the changes to Mail (when you "wrap" to the next most recent message when paging through them with spacebar, it remembers the old position in the next message instead of going to the top), but I think I can get used to them.

All in all, I feel that it was well worth the investment, and I've only been playing with it for an hour or two. I'll get some more fiddling done when Monolingual finishes removing all the useless translation data from the newly installed stuff. With Panther, I saved about 750MB by removing all the languages I don't need (i.e. all of them but the various English variants), with Tiger it was just over 1GB.

(On the down side, it looks like I'm going to have to get some more RAM. Dashboard, spotlight and everything else can't be cheap to keep in memory.)

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