Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Multi-Literacies 1

ESA196 - Multiliteracies 1A

After professional studies we had our first multi-literacies ICT class, in which the lecturer introduced all the ICT skills they'll be making sure we have. Word processing, spread sheets, presentations, multi-media, the Internet (and, more importantly, finding anything useful on it), etc. We'll also be covering the various bits of ICT stuff we'll need to know to be able to do the course (like using Vista).

He also made sure to cover the various rules we need to follow (don't look at porn at school; don't copy CDs at school; computer use is monitored; etc.) and be aware of. The thing that really, REALLY pisses me off is that the contagion that is plagiarism detection software, namely Turn It In, seems to have infected Education. The sole objection I have to using the software is that Turnitin keep a copy of all the work submitted in their database to check future submissions against: they are using my work as part of the service for which they charge lots of money.

We ended with a lot of confusion as to when and where our classes for the next few weeks are (the Bachelor of Teaching timetable is both complex and fluid as it has to work around the student's practicals and other staff commitments).

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